Monday, December 17, 2012

David Meanix and Fear

These are my three favorites of David Meanix's pieces. I like them because i think they are interesting looking. The first one would be very creepy to see on the street, which i like. And the second looks very interesting with its anger. And the last one just looks pretty cool.

As for his over all style. It is very creepy and strange. But i like it, A lot actually. Its really interesting. The creepiness is what makes the style work. It has a unique feel to it.

What am i afraid of? Many thing. As for my top 5 fears. I'd have to say number one is the fear of disappointing others. But im also afraid of being alone, death, blood/gore, and well, i guess pain. but who isn't ?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Unique Species

This species is known as the Cholf. Its a three way cross between a Wolf, a Cheetah, and a Snake. It it said to risen out of the ground somewhere in Europe. No one knows how to actually came to be, only where it was originally found.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Frandy Jean - Haitian Painter

I learned several things today. For one, I learned a bit of haitian culture. About how the public transportation is called a tap-tap and all it is a truck with a bench in the back. I also learned about how the street merchants work, and how every day for them is a worry of whether or not you will make any money. Finally, I learned about Frandy's work. He has some pretty interesting jewelery and appears to have a thing for painting people. He seems to be a very very good artist.